alert Due to forecasted winter weather, ALL Iowa Western Community College locations are closed and classes are cancelled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Employees do not need to report.

Degree Audit / Graduation and Commencement

Records and Registration

Degree Audit

Students can view and print an unofficial Degree Audit through the Reiver Online Campus (ROC). To run an unofficial degree audit:

  • Log into ROC
  • Click on the Self-Service Menu
  • Under Student Planning click on View Your Progress

Official Degree Audits are completed only by the Registrar. Students can submit a request for an Official Degree Audit to the Registrar by completing the Degree Audit Request form on the Records and Registration page on ROC.

We recommend that students have an official Degree Audit completed by the Registrar prior to registering for their last semester. It is the responsibility of the student to know and observe the requirements of their curriculum. Although the advisor will help a student, the final responsibility for meeting the requirements for graduation rests with the student.

Graduation and Commencement

Graduation preparation:

  • Visit with your advisor every semester before registering for classes so you stay on track to complete your program.
  • Request an Official Degree Audit from the Registrar prior to the start of your final semester of classes to ensure that all graduation requirements will be met.
  • Check the Academic Calendar for graduation application deadline and commencement ceremony information.
  • Apply for graduation on ROC (Reiver Online Campus) during the term in which you intend to graduate.
    • Log in to ROC
    • Click on Self-Service
    • Click on Graduation Overview
  • Watch for an email that will provide details about getting your cap and gown and the commencement ceremony.
  • Graduation is free! Be sure to participate in the commencement ceremony and celebrate the culmination of all your hard work!

Commencement Ceremony

Graduates participating in the ceremony must be at Reiver Arena in their cap and gown 45 minutes before the start of the ceremony. The doors to the Arena open one hour prior to the ceremony. Graduates that have special needs for seating or the stage should contact the Records and Registration office at or at (712) 325-3285 as soon as possible.

Tickets for guests are not required. Seating at commencement is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Guests are encouraged to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony. The ceremony will last approximately one hour. Graduates are asked to return their gowns immediately following the ceremony.

Future ceremony dates:

  • Spring – Friday, May 16, 2025
    • The commencement ceremony for students graduating with a Certificate, Diploma, an Associate of Applied Arts (A.A.A.) or an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), with the exception of Practical Nursing Diploma and Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., will begin at 1:00 p.m.
      The commencement ceremony for students graduating with an Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.), Associate of Arts (A.A.), or an Associates of Science (A.S.), Practical Nursing Diploma, or Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S. will begin at 5:00 p.m.
  • Winter – Saturday, December 13, 2025; 10:00 a.m.
  • Spring – Friday, May 15, 2026
    • The commencement ceremony for students graduating with a Certificate, Diploma, an Associate of Applied Arts (A.A.A.) or an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), with the exception of Practical Nursing Diploma and Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., will begin at 1:00 p.m.
      The commencement ceremony for students graduating with an Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.), Associate of Arts (A.A.), or an Associates of Science (A.S.), Practical Nursing Diploma, or Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S. will begin at 5:00 p.m.
  • Winter – Saturday, December 12, 2026; 10:00 a.m.
  • Spring – Friday, May 14, 2027
    • The commencement ceremony for students graduating with a Certificate, Diploma, an Associate of Applied Arts (A.A.A.) or an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), with the exception of Practical Nursing Diploma and Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., will begin at 1:00 p.m.
      The commencement ceremony for students graduating with an Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.), Associate of Arts (A.A.), or an Associates of Science (A.S.), Practical Nursing Diploma, or Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S. will begin at 5:00 p.m.
  • Winter – Saturday, December 11, 2027; 10:00 a.m.
  • Spring – Friday, May 12, 2028
    • The commencement ceremony for students graduating with a Certificate, Diploma, an Associate of Applied Arts (A.A.A.) or an Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.), with the exception of Practical Nursing Diploma and Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S., will begin at 1:00 p.m.
      The commencement ceremony for students graduating with an Associate of General Studies (A.G.S.), Associate of Arts (A.A.), or an Associates of Science (A.S.), Practical Nursing Diploma, or Associate Degree Nursing A.A.S. will begin at 5:00 p.m.

Caps, Gowns, and Tassels

Iowa Western is pleased to provide a cap, gown, and tassel to all graduation candidates for the commencement ceremony at no additional charge. Graduates will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony without proper academic attire. It is the graduate’s responsibility to get measured for the cap and gown in the College Store. Graduates will be invited to pick up their cap and gown two days before the commencement ceremony.  Graduates with a unique name or pronunciation will be given an opportunity to clarify the pronunciation with the name reader.

Commencement Photography

Family and friends may approach the stage and take pictures or a video; we ask everyone to be aware of other photographers and audience viewing. TheGradTeam Photography will be on hand to take photographs during the ceremony.

Graduation Honors

Graduates who have a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher at the beginning of their final semester are eligible to graduate with honors. These students will be given a yellow honors cord to be worn during the commencement ceremony. The cord is to be returned with the gown after the ceremony.

Students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.9 or higher will graduate with “Highest Honors”; those who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.7 to 3.89 will graduate with “High Honors”; and those who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 to 3.69 will graduate with “Honors”. This recognition will appear on the student’s official transcript.

Phi Theta Kappa

Graduates who are members of Phi Theta Kappa will be allowed to wear the Phi Theta Kappa stole. These items can be purchased from the official Phi Theta Kappa store.  Graduates seeking membership will need to contact the Phi Theta Kappa advisor ( about becoming a member of this honor society. 


Graduates participating in the commencement ceremony will receive a diploma cover at the commencement ceremony. Diplomas will be mailed approximately six weeks after the ceremony after the Registrar has received final grades and verified that all of the requirements for graduation have been met. Keep in mind that all obligations to the College, including financial obligations, must be met before the diploma and transcript will be released.