Department: Agribusiness

The Agribusiness Administration Certificate prepares students for entry-level positions in agribusiness organizations.  Students gain an understanding of production agriculture and the role of agribusiness in the economy.  Students are provided classroom instruction, lab, and field experience in order to pursue a career in agriculture business, administration, or accounting. Graduates of this program are awarded a certificate.

The Agribusiness Management program of study provides students with the opportunity to develop skills, abilities, and an understanding of the technical aspects of agriculture and agribusiness.  The program includes classroom instruction, and lab and field experience opportunities. The program prepares students for a variety of career paths:  agribusiness, farm management, production agriculture, agricultural research, domestic agriculture, international agriculture, and related sales and supply fields.

Students who complete this AAS degree will have earned an Agribusiness Administration certificate by completion. 

The Agribusiness Technology: Agronomy Operations Certificate program of study provides students with the opportunity to develop skills, abilities, and an understanding of the agronomic aspects of production agriculture. Careers in production agriculture and agronomy operations can be pursued. Students are provided with classroom instruction, lab, and field experience.

Students who complete this certificate will earn credit toward completion of the Agribusiness Management AAS degree.