Business & Community Education

Small Business Development Centers

Do you need help starting your business? Or are you in business and looking for help with growth and management? The IWCC SBDC provides no cost, one-on-one, business advice and resources to help with business planning, business startup checklists, management, marketing, financial health, financing and more.

Personal and Professional DevelopmentEconomic Development

The Economic Development department works with SW Iowa manufacturers, distributors, and other eligible industries. WE help you become more competitive by providing the resources and training to help improve and expand the skills and productivity of your workforce through the 260F and 260E state-funded programs.

CE Online ClassesCustomized Training

Able to deliver you customized training and provide apprenticeship training and consulting to address your workforce needs throughout all industries. You can also participate in the multiple Centers of Excellence in Advancement Manufacturing, which prepares you in the high-technology field of manufacturing.

Continuing Education

Non Credit quality programs for professional and personal development.

Are you looking to update your skills, advance in your current career, achieve professional CEUs for licensure renewal, or just want to learn for fun? Iowa Western Community College Continuing education programs and customized training options can help you achieve your individual or organization’s goals.

TutoringAdult Education

If you are looking for a pathway to better pay, increased job potential or a jumpstart to a degree program, IWCC Adult Education can help. We offer adults 17 and older accessible, quality instruction that will develop their life, work, and literacy skills. Programs include Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), and High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED).

AdvisingWork-Based Learning Program

If you are an area business looking for a dynamic hands-on way to connect and develop a talented workforce for your business and community, IWCC’s Work-Based Learning program is your solution. We connect high school students and educators in the region with local businesses and industries through work-based learning activities.  

Opportunities for:

Skills for Success

The Skills for Success program offers Pottawattamie County companies financial assistance for the training of their employees. Companies must provide employees with a raise within the next quarter of employment after the completion of the training. Fill out this application to start the process

Facility Rental

If you have an event and need space to rent, we have small, medium and large group settings available. We can accommodate most events using our many different spaces from classrooms, auditorium, special event space and meeting rooms.

Registered Apprenticeship

Create a new pipeline of skilled employees through the Iowa Western Registered Apprenticeship Program. Apprentices earn while they learn combining on-the-job training with classroom instruction.