Criminal Justice Transfer Major, A.A.

Academic Programs

Start Term

Program Options

Degree, Certificate or Diploma


Council Bluffs Campus
Clarinda Center
Cass County Center
Page/Fremont County Center
Shelby County Center

Program Information

Challenging. Demanding. Exciting. Those words appropriately describe the field of law enforcement, and if it’s a field that interests you, Iowa Western's Criminal Justice program is the perfect choice. In two years, you can earn an Associate of Arts degree and become a probation officer or state trooper, or you can choose to transfer to a four-year institution to work toward a bachelor’s degree.

Iowa Western instructors have work-related experience in criminal justice, so you’ll gain first-hand knowledge of what’s involved in this field. Guest speakers and tours of correctional facilities also help prepare you for entry into law enforcement.

Day, night, and online classes are available, giving you flexibility with your personal schedule. Upon request, job placement help is offered. Who is hiring? To name a few: the Omaha Police Department, the State Patrol, the Border Patrol, U.S. Capitol Police, and private security companies.

Job Outlook

This program is designed for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution upon completion.

What will you do

This program is designed for students intending to transfer on to a four-year institution upon completion of this two-year degree. However, jobs are available for students who earn an associate’s degree and want to directly enter the work force. Graduates of this program are prepared for careers such as police officers, child protective services workers, correctional specialists, drug enforcement agents, criminal justice administrators, and investigators.


  •  This program is designed for students intending to transfer to a four-year institution upon completion.

Career Examples

  • First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives
  • First-Line Supervisors of Correctional Officers

First Semester

ENG 105 - Composition I 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 100 - Introduction to Criminal Justice 1 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 111 - Police and Society 1 3.0 Credit(s)
SPC 112 - Public Speaking 3.0 Credit(s)
SOC 110 - Introduction to Sociology 1 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Second Semester

ENG 106 - Composition II 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 120 - Introduction to Corrections 1 3.0 Credit(s)
CRJ 133 - Constitutional Criminal Procedure 3.0 Credit(s)
  • Humanities Elective 3.0 Credit(s)
  • MAT 157 - Statistics 1 4.0 Credit(s)

    Semester Total: 16.0 Credits

    Third Semester

    CRJ 130 - Criminal Law 1 3.0 Credit(s)
    CRJ 258 - Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice 1 3.0 Credit(s)
    POL 111 - American National Government 1 3.0 Credit(s)
  • Lab Science Requirement 4.0 Credit(s)
  • SOC 230 - Juvenile Delinquency 1 3.0 Credit(s)

    Semester Total: 16.0 Credits

    Fourth Semester

    • Humanities Electives 6.0 Credit(s)
    • General Electives 3.0 Credit(s)
    • Distributed Requirement 5.0 Credit(s)
    SOC 240 - Criminology 1 3.0 Credit(s)

    Semester Total: 17.0 Credits

    Total Semester Hours Required: 64.0


    One elective must also satisfy the diversity requirement.

    1Required courses for the program


    Additional Information

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    Program Outcomes

    Upon the successful completion of the program students will:

    • Explain the mission of each of the 3 core components of the criminal justice system.
    • Identify the correctional remedies available within the criminal justice sentencing process.
    • Evaluate the importance of the U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights as applied to each of the 3 core components fo the criminal justice system.
    • Recognize ethical misconduct in the police, courts, and corrections components of the criminal justice system.
    • Assess the inherent mental, physical, and emotional challenges police and correctional officers face every day in the performance of their duties.

    Program Disclaimers

    • Because career opportunities associated with this degree are so varied, salaries vary considerably as well. To explore careers and gather specific salary information, we encourage you to visit the following website: IHaveaPlanIowa