Computers: Application & Web Programming, A.A.S.

Academic Programs

Career Path


Start Term

Program Options

Degree, Certificate or Diploma


Council Bluffs Campus

Program Information

If you're looking to broaden your computer skills and take advantage of high-tech employment opportunities, the Application and Web Programming program of study is made just for you. What’s special about this program? How about:  

  • The use of smart boards
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • A totally wireless campus
  • A smaller class size for more individual attention

This program is designed to get you on the ground floor of any company. It prepares you to become a web programmer, programmer, or database programmer. Job placement is 100 percent, and there is the opportunity to transfer to a four-year institution.

Students who complete this AAS degree will have earned a Computers: Programming certificate by completion.

Job Outlook

12,781 Jobs (2020)

+3.0% Change from 2020-2025

Data is from the Omaha Metropolitans Area, and the seven counties in Southwest Iowa that Iowa Western serves

What will you do

This program is designed to place students into the workforce upon completion of this two-year degree. This program will prepare students for entry-level jobs as software programmers and web programmers. In addition, because the skills learned in this program of study are applicable in many facets of the business world, students can find job opportunities in many different career fields as well.


  • Entry: $27.46
  • Average: $39.89
  • Experienced: $70.93

Career Examples

  • Software Developers, Applications
  • Computer User Support Specialists
  • Software Developers, Systems Software
  • Computer Programmers
  • Computer Occupations
  • Computer and Information System Managers
  • Computer Network Architects
  • Web Developers.

First Semester

CSC 114 - Introduction to Information Technology 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 207 - Fundamentals of Web Programming 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 127 - Introduction to Programming 3.0 Credit(s)
CSC 121 - Operating Systems 3.0 Credit(s)
NET 142 - Network Essentials 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Second Semester

CIS 171 - Java 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 213 - Advanced Client Side Scripting 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 134 - Web Design 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 332 - Database and SQL 3.0 Credit(s)
SPC 122 - Interpersonal Communication 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 15.0 Credits

Third Semester

CIS 215 - Server Side Web Programming 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 175 - Java II 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 139 - Programming I 3.0 Credit(s)
WDV 133 - Mobile Web Apps 3.0 Credit(s)
ENG 110 - Writing For The Workplace 3.0 Credit(s)
MGT 195 - Workplace Empowerment 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 18.0 Credits

Fourth Semester

CIS 780 - Computer Projects 3.0 Credit(s)
NET 810 - Computer Internship 1.0 - 8.0 Credit(s)
CIS 144 - Programming II 3.0 Credit(s)
CIS 158 - Web e-Business 3.0 Credit(s)
MAT 743 - Technical Math 1 3.0 Credit(s)
HUM 287 - Leadership Development Studies 3.0 Credit(s)

Semester Total: 18.0 Credits

Total Semester Hours Required: 66.0


1May substitute MAT 102 or higher.


Additional Information

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Program Outcomes

Upon the successful completion of the program students will:

  • Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills.
  • Demonstrate use of analytical and problem solving skills for application programs.
  • Demonstrate use of analytical and problem solving skills for web development.
  • Design, create and maintain a relational database system.
  • Create and develop interactive web pages.
  • Effectively interact with users to determine requirements.
  • Construct applications with database connectivity for various platforms.
  • Design and illustrate a computer network.
  • Evaluate systems and project management.

Program Disclaimers

  • Salary information from EMSI Analyst Database
  • A.A and A.S. Degree Programs: provide students a general education core in... (HLC)