ECE Safety and Emergency Policies

Parents/guardians shall provide in writing to the Center a phone number of two persons who can be reached in case of an emergency when we are unable to reach the parents/guardian.

In the case of minor accidents, the child will receive basic emergency care by staff that is first aid certified.  The parents will be notified of the accident in writing.  A copy of the accident report is filed in the child’s center record folder.

In the case of a medical or dental emergency or more critical accident, the child will receive basic emergency care according to the abilities of the staff.  An attempt will be made to notify the parents/guardian immediately.  In the event that the parents/guardian cannot be reached the emergency contact will be notified and the child’s personal physician or dentist will be notified and his/her instructions will be followed.  If the physician is not available, 911 will be called and the child will be taken by ambulance to a local hospital should this be necessary.  The parents/ guardian will be responsible for all payments of medical fees for the care of their child.  Center staff cannot transport children to the hospital, only ambulance service can.  If a child were to be transported a staff member with whom the child is comfortable, would accompany him/her if parents aren’t available.

In the case of fire, or tornado the children will be taken to designated safe areas.  They will be supervised at all times by center staff.   Fire and tornado drills are conducted monthly dance with licensing regulations.  These drills are recorded in the center monthly safety log.  Designated safe areas for tornado drills are Lewis Hall Room 159 and 165.  Designated safe areas for fire drills are trees in the field to the south end of Lewis Hall.

Should evacuation of the center be necessary, the rally point for Iowa Western is at the New Horizon Presbyterian Church across from College View school, 30 Valley View Drive.