Changes in Registration

Records and Registration

Adding A Course

After initial registration, students may add a regular-term day class to their schedule through the first week of the term, and they may add a regular-term night or weekend class prior to the second meeting of the class using their Reiver Online Campus (ROC) account. Deadlines for adding all classes are posted online and are available at the Registration Desk in the Welcome Center. After the posted deadline for adding a class has passed, students may register for classes under extenuating circumstances with the permission of the appropriate Academic Dean. Regular tuition and fees will be charged for all added classes. 

Dropping a Course

Sixteen-week term: A student may drop a class on ROC through the 12th week of a regular semester.

Eight-week term: A student may drop a class on ROC through the sixth week of an eight-week term.

Interim and other term classes: A student may drop through three-fourths of the length of the class.

  • A “W” grade is recorded on the student’s permanent record if the drop occurs after the term begins.
  • Students may drop individual classes from their schedules any time up to the official last day to drop. After this time, students must remain enrolled in scheduled classes. Failure to attend class once registered does not cancel registration or tuition and fees owed for any class or classes. Failure to change registration status will result in a grade of “F” recorded on the permanent record.
  • A change in registration is not official until it is received by the Registration Office.

Official Withdrawal from College

Withdrawing from college means dropping all classes for which a student is registered in any given semester. Students who find it necessary to withdraw from college may do so in Reiver Online Campus (ROC) through the last day to drop. Specific drop dates are posted online and are available at the Registration Desk in the Welcome Center. Students who withdraw from college before the semester begins will display no activity for those classes on their transcript. Students who withdraw from college after the semester begins will display a “W” grade for those classes on their transcript. A withdrawal is not official until it is received by the Registration Office.

Students who register for classes but do not plan to attend must withdraw from the college on ROC or with an advisor in the Welcome Center prior to the first day of the semester in order to avoid being subject to Administrative Withdrawal or potentially receiving failing grades. Failure to attend class once registered does not cancel registration. Students who fail to withdraw by the last day to drop must remain enrolled in scheduled classes. Failure to officially withdraw from college will potentially result in failing grades being recorded on the student’s transcript.

Medical Withdrawal from College

A student who documents medical reasons for withdrawing from classes will be permitted to withdraw from classes, with a “W” recorded on the transcript, beyond the official drop date. The student must submit the completed Request for Medical Withdrawal form prior to the last day of the semester for which the withdrawal is desired. The student must withdraw from all classes scheduled in the semester of the request. No refund will be given in the case of a medical withdrawal.

Administrative Withdrawal

The college may administratively withdraw a student at any point in a semester or term, from a single class or multiple classes, for reasons that include but are not limited to non-attendance and violations of the student code of conduct.

Administrative Withdrawal for Non-Attendance

Students who are administratively withdrawn for non-attendance will be subject to an Administrative Withdrawal Fee of $10.00 per registered credit hour at the time of the withdrawal, and will not be charged tuition and college service fees. Students who are administratively withdrawn for non-attendance will not receive a grade and, therefore, will display no activity for those classes on their transcript. Students who are administratively withdrawn for nonattendance are eligible to register for classes in the current term or any subsequent term after paying their balance in full. However, they will not be eligible to re-enroll in the classes from which they were administratively withdrawn.

Administrative Withdrawal for Violations of the Student Code of Conduct

Students who violate the student code of conduct are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including but not limited to administrative withdrawal from a single class or multiple classes, as well as the imposition of registration restrictions at the course, discipline, or program level. Registration restrictions may also limit students’ access to register for classes based on the course delivery method. Students who are administratively withdrawn for violations of the student code of conduct will be charged full tuition and fees for the classes from which they were administratively withdrawn.

Students who are administratively withdrawn for violations of the student code of conduct will receive a grade of “W” for that class or for those classes, which will display on their transcript. Eligibility to register for classes in subsequent terms and sessions will depend on the violation. Students who have been sanctioned with a registration restriction will have a registration hold placed on their account, and they will be required to register for classes through the Records and Registration Office after meeting with their assigned advisor or designated college official. Students who are eligible to register for classes in subsequent terms or sessions may do so after paying their balance in full. Some students will not be eligible to register for classes in subsequent terms and sessions.